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Relationship Counselling

Couples therapy is a powerful tool when it comes to reducing friction and discontentment in a couple’s relationship which further leads to many negative situations such as resentment, pain and anger and a disconnect.

Today, a couple’s life is often filled with more tension than ever before, owing to the stresses of everyday living, developed personalities, communication issues, health issues, power struggles, sexual dissatisfaction, parenthood, financial problems, and infidelity, among others.

All relationships require hard work from the participants to keep them alive and growing. When the relationship is warm, loving and fulfilling, it serves to nourish the couple’s life positively. Also, couples need to regularly work on their relationships and mend the minor defects to keep them connected with their partners.

However, when a more serious problem crops up, it is recommended that the couples seek professional help. Marriage counselling and couples therapy would be the space within which the couple can explore the issues that are bothering them.

Professional counsellors and psychologists at Softmind will focus on couples counselling therapies that are designed to improve relationship satisfaction while simultaneously resolving any conflicts between the couple.

The ultimate goal of our psychologists is to help couples cement broken relationships and improve the communication pathways to prevent any such issues in the future.

Couples Therapy – What we Offer at Softmind

At Softmind, we offer different types of couples therapy. Our expert psychologists provide tools that help you to communicate with your partner and ask them for what you need.

At the very outset, what we offer is a confidential space that is open for the couple to explore and pin the issue that is currently hurting their relationship. Couples at any stage of their lives can approach us. Our expert therapists are qualified, trained, and well experienced in handling problems in clinical settings.

Our counsellors are adept at handling any of the following issues that ruffle couples’ relationships:

Premarital Counselling
Interfaith Couples and Religious/Cultural Issues
Sexual Dissatisfaction
Communication Problems
Financial Issues
Power Struggles
Personality Clashes
Infidelity – Betrayal, Emotional Affair
Stress-related Issues
Parents-Children Tussles
Co-parent Counselling
Step-parents and Related Family Issues
Adoptive Parent Therapy
Amicable Divorce
Divorcing Parents and Child Issues
Separation and Divorce
Anger Management
Gender Roles and Equality
Infertility and Adoption Issues
Chronic Illnesses and Related Issues
Intimacy Issues
Life-stage Transitions (marriage, children, job loss)
Same-Sex Couples
Online Marriage Counseling
Online Relationship Counselling

Relationship Issues - When to Seek Help

For a majority of the couples, it is not easy for them to decide to try counselling for their relationship issues. However, the longer it takes for them to try counselling, the more difficult it becomes to resolve issues between them.

With more delay in seeking help, maladaptive patterns become more entrenched weakening the bonds between the couples. There is a high level of resentment that is present and successful treatment becomes increasingly difficult. However, it is not impossible to resolve these problems. It requires more time and more effort to resolve the long-standing problems.

As a rule of the thumb, when relationship problems have been cropping up for three months or more, even a brief consultation with our counsellor can be immensely helpful.

Softmind – How We Help

There are many approaches to couples therapy and it is vital to choose the right form of therapy most suited for your case. Our therapists are trained in multiple modalities and they are adept at integrating multiple approaches depending on the problems that the couples are facing. It is also important to note that the therapist you choose to work with largely affects the outcomes of the couples therapy.

Our expert therapists provide psychological treatments that help the couples to improve communication between themselves by learning to understand each other’s wants and needs. They learn to establish healthy boundaries and maintain mutual respect for one another. This paves the way for a healthier relationship and removes the confusion and stress that relationships may suffer.

At Softmind, we use contemporary therapeutic models such as solution-focused counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and Emotionally Focussed Therapy among other couples therapies for the best outcomes. All of our models for relationship counselling in Cochin are research and evidence-based that produce higher levels of success.

Our therapists’ knowledge and experience at Softmind offer something of great value for every couple that we treat, whatever their problem and whatever stage of life they are at. We can help to make the most of your relationships. 

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